*Year end Party 19:00-21:00 Tokinoshizuku
*Second feast 21:15-23:00 Bar Oxygen
All activities of this year 2015 were over. The following report is about the Second feast of annual year end party.

After the toast, new members were introduced. This was the first club activity for some of them.

Next was the aword-giving ceremony for those who has completed 10-year

The next was the aword-giving ceremony for those who got "AFP(Aword
of Frequent Participation)". Silver medal (20-29points) were given
to three members, bronds(10-19 points) to seven members. No gold(more than
30points) for 2014.

We moved to upstairs. Listening to the Beatles, we enjoyed quite nice atmosphere.

At the end, auction was held. Some of members donated money to the club.
Thank you very much.
All 2015 activities has safely over. Hope 2016 will be a good year to all.
Safety Fast !!!